Curated exclusively for Rock and Recovery™, musician and recovery advocate Marc Lee Shannon reveals the tactics, routines, and habits of musicians, business leaders, and world-class performers on their personal recovery journey. Marc provides his guests a safe space to share their stories and how they are not just surviving but thriving in recovery. For more information, visit rockandrecovery.com

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Death By Poison
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Please, Somebody Pull My Brake
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Get ready for a high-energy, rapid-fire episode of genuine, forthright conversation on faith-based recovery!
In substance-use recovery herself, Angel Nichols is the Clinical Coordinator for Arc Recovery Services in Akron, Ohio. She and Marc engage in a feverish, high-octane discussion on 'stigma' and God's role in helping a person like Angel to fight it.
"As much as I wanted to stop, my body was on auto-pilot."
Angel's story is jaw-dropping. Raised by parents who were addicts, it took years for her to arrive at a place in her life where she could finally start to recover from, in her words, "the things the world told me that I am." She also talks at length about discovering a place where she felt at home and where "she wasn't a leper, where I belonged somewhere."
Marc and Angel also talk about her role as a peer-recovery supporter and how her faith-based approach within her role at Arc has become her life's mission: to assist others in fighting stigma and finding that same feeling of inclusion and acceptance.
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here. Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Radical Acceptance
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Monday Jul 11, 2022
152 Days and Counting
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Ten years. Ten years of ‘skill-building’. That’s a good amount of time. Musician and writer Kevin McManus built up a decade of the ‘skills’ that enable those with a substance-use disorder to hone their craft. The craft of being dishonest. The art of perfecting the ruse. And then it finally all caught up to him.
It what may be the singular most unique episode of this podcast, Marc speaks honestly and directly with Kevin who, at the time of this recording, was in substance-use disorder recovery for exactly 152 days. Kevin opened the door and let us into his world, one that slowly and perilously moved him ever closer to a place where he had no other option than to ask for help. In his words, “I didn’t want to die, but I didn’t care if I lived.”
This is a blatantly revealing episode, a tour de force of transparency and candor. And it’s even more revealing because this episode also has a ‘video’ companion, so subscribers can listen to and watch the interplay as Marc and Kevin discuss his emotional journey…now 152 days and counting.
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Monday Jun 13, 2022
The Waiting, The Wearing-Through, and the Willingness
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Just a Dad from Akron
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Tuesday May 17, 2022
When It’s Time For the Hard Conversation
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
It's the front line of tomorrow's America, and being on the front lines can be tiring and messy. It can be lonely yet crowded and chaotic. The front lines in the life of a middle-school student are like a minefield. The students confront, dodge, fix, and try to understand the obstacles placed in their daily lives on the edge of being an adult yet with a child's life experiences. Never really knowing how it impacts them and what the future implications might be down the road.
Enter the middle-school counselor James Shannon. In this frank episode, James talks about the myriad of issues that confront our next generation and how he helps them navigate the choppy waters of early teenage adolescence. James also reminds adults that while the problems experienced by middle-school students may not seem critical, they are of paramount importance to the student, and those problems can be life-altering events.
Marc and James also discuss some warning signs where anxiety and depression can trigger more complex situations and how family and mentors can be on the lookout for them. This practical, sometimes severe, and nuts-and-bolts discussion can impact anyone connected to a young person's challenging, rewarding, and tumultuous life.
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Tuesday May 10, 2022
A Hobby Turned To a Habit
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
“I just wanted to feel better. I didn’t want to feel bad.”
These words from Summit County Domestic Relations Court Magistrate Cheryl Wear make it challenging to understand how someone brought up in a well-to-do, loving, well-adjusted Christian home, who never experienced a drop of alcohol, could arrive at this place. A place where simply aspiring to drink until you blackout meant successful relief.
Marc welcomes Attorney Cheryl Wear as she speaks at length about her journey. It is an experience that includes the downward spiral of substance abuse, disrupted family events, lost jobs, and finally being exiled from her husband and children. At the moment of ‘rock bottom,’ she knew that her previous conception of an alcoholic ‘being some toothless guy who lived under a bridge’ was false, erroneous, and now completely altered.
In this episode, Cheryl chronicles her climb out of the hole. She reflects on her re-connection to the importance of Christianity in her life. She vividly explains how her strength allowed her to finally find a new relationship with her children. And she confirms the fact that this disease called ‘alcoholism’ can sink its fangs into anyone and anybody. It’s a powerful episode and a unique story of redemption.
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org

Monday May 02, 2022
Rise Up: A Story of An Adult Child of Alcoholics
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
In childhood, Crissy Youngblood was surrounded by grown-ups who struggled and suffered from alcoholism and drug abuse. She is a survivor of the consequences of what is known now as a Mental and Physical Heath Disorder. Born to a mother who was only 16 and later died from complications of her disease, Crissy realized early on that her world lacked healthy boundaries. Her relationships with relatives and friends were absorbed in a life that was not like her friends at school and, later, sometimes included very inappropriate attention from men with the wrong intentions.
But strength and perseverance have a way of polishing a shining star with a kind soul, helping them to find courage, to dig deep, and to rise. After becoming a mother herself, Crissy found an alternative path, from what was her childhood to her reality. She dedicated herself to breaking the chain of trauma and committed her life to achieve through adversity.
She never gave up. Today, she has overcome and has a family life, a working farm, and a life with a partner with whom she walks together along the path of sobriety.
Join Marc as he shares Crissy's fantastic journey from pain and despair to hope and a future. Discover how Crissy found an exhilarating strength that we may not know we possess.

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Unicorns and Polka-Dots: A Song of Hope
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
At 24 years of age, most young people have moved in a career direction. Some have even chosen marriage. A few are giving birth and starting families. Some, like Brianna Brady, will get to choose none of them. Losing one's life to substance-use disorder can rob families of so many things.
In this breathtaking and stark episode on both substance-use disorder and grief, Marc sits down with Joe Brady, Brianna's father. Joe talks at length about Brianna's three-year battle. But more than just sharing the details of yet another victim of substance use, Joe shares wisdom and a powerful message for those who sometimes get left out in the cold: the family members and friends who do their best to help their loved ones navigate their addiction in the hopes of overcoming it, and the arduous task that presents itself to them.
This episode documents a critical life lesson and, in a way, a future challenge for others: the outcome of your loved one is, by and large, beyond your control, and that result rests, ultimately, with the person experiencing substance-use disorder.
Marc and Joe speak directly to those on the front lines of waging the battle for their loved ones in this open and insightful episode through insight, honesty, frankness, and even' song.’
Your feedback is important to us, please take our show survey here.
Find out more at RecoveryTalks.org